Tell us about issues and ideas. Contact the committee co-chairs at If you want your email to be anonymous, you can use the W3 Anonymous remailer or, if you want us to be able to reply, use Guerrilla Mail (learn more about pseudonymous remailers)

    Make an appointment during the DEI Office hours by Prof. Fredo Durand to talk about any issue or idea.

    General resources

    Student Support Services (S^3) is a key resource to help students.

    Your academic advisor

    If you live in a dorm: contact your GRA or Head of House.

    GradSupport: Staff in MIT’s Office of Graduate Education provide advice and counsel on a variety of issues, including: faculty/student relationships, changing your advisor, conflict negotiation, funding, academic progress, interpersonal concerns, and a student’s rights and responsibilities.

    MIT Medical’s advice on helping others.

    The CARE Team supports all students through challenges they may experience during their time at MIT. 

    MIT MyLife Services: 24/7 access to a network of experts who are available to help with life concerns

    The graduate and undergraduate office is eager to hear about any problem.

    List of resources at the Office or Graduate Education.

    Mental health

    MIT Medical (617) 253-4481; MIT Mental Health (617) 253-2916

    Lean on Me: Confidential Text hotline for anonymous, real-time support, powered by MIT students

    Let’s Chat: Easy access for students to informal, free, confidential 20-minute consultations with counselors from MIT Mental Health and Counseling

    MIT Peer Ears: a residence-based mental health support network.

    Sexual harassment and violence

    Violence Prevention and Response

     Institute Discrimination and Harassment Response Office –; Title IX Coordinator: Sarah Rankin

    MIT Police (617-253-1212)

    Flowchart with Pathways to Deal with Sexual Violence at MIT



    LGBTQ+ mentoringnull

    Conflict resolution

    The MIT Ombuds Office is a confidential and independent resource to constructively manage concerns and conflicts.

    MIT EECS REFS offers informal conflict management by EECS graduate students trained as peer mediators.

    Misconduct and wrongdoing

    Institute Discrimination and Harassment Office. In particular: File an Incident Report for non-emergency incidents (misconduct by a student or by faculty/staff). If you are a so-called responsible employee (faculty or staff) and a student talks to you about issues pertaining to a protected class, notify IDHR.

    Reaching out to the IDHR Office does not trigger an automatic formal investigation. “Reporting” simply means letting either the IDHR Office know something has occurred. During an initial meeting with IDHR, you are not required to share a detailed account of the incident but can do so if you choose. You’re welcome to have an advisor at your initial meeting and any subsequent meetings with IDHR.

    What to do if you experience harassment (from the Institute Community and Equity Office)

    MIT’s Complaint Process and Resolution

    MIT’s Informal Options for Addressing a Concern

    MIT’s FAQ for Allegations Against Staff

    MIT’s list of resources for dealing with a complaint

    MIT Anonymous reporting hotline (webform, with a fully anonymous option) for whistleblower or other complaints about wrongdoing and violations of Institute policy. The reporting system is hosted and maintained by a third-party vendor called Ethicspoint.