Give us feedback, ideas, problems to solve. Meet with us. Email us. If you want your email to be anonymous, you can use the W3 Anonymous remailer or, if you want us to be able to reply, use Guerrilla Mail (learn more about pseudonymous remailers.)

    Volunteer to be on the Diversity Equity and Inclusion committee or its student advisory group.

    As a faculty member


    Volunteer to be an MSRP mentor

    Participate in the Tapia conference (contact Armando Solar-Lezama)

    Graduate Student Mentorship Initiative (GSMI): help underrepresented graduate school applicants.

    Volunteer to help PhD students apply for faculty jobs by giving mock interviews and feedback on job talks (contact Deanna Montgomery.) 


    Mentor an LGBTQ+ student via the Rainbow Compass program

    Write an advisor statement.

    Be a UCEM mentor.

    Read about the Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM at the National Academies.

    Take a workshop on “Soft Skills” to Help Avoid the “Hard Knocks”

    Search and graduate admissions

    Participate in graduate admissions and faculty searches and make sure underrepresented groups do not fall through the cracks. 

    LGBTQ+ rights

    Get you are welcome here LGBTQ+ training and sticker.

    Add pronouns to your signature and to conference nametags

    Community building

    Have a conversation with your research group about inclusion and equity.

    Organize and fund a meetup for underrepresented groups at conferences in your field (see e.g. wigraph)

    Make sure panels, seminar series and events in your field have diverse participants.


    Donate discretionary money for student support or trips to diversity conference.

    Raise money from companies to support trips to conferences that seek to broaden participation in EECS and other diversity, equity and inclusion activities.

    Inclusive teaching

    Be welcoming to students with visible and invisible disability. In your course and event announcements, add a statement such as “We are committed to an inclusive environment. If you need accommodation, let us know.” It makes a tremendous difference to know requests will be welcomed. 

    Make your digital material compliant with screen readers. See e.g. 

    Allen School best practices for inclusive teaching

    What can I do today to create a more inclusive community in CS? by Cynthia Lee

    CS teaching tips

    Other lists

    Ten Simple Rules for Building an Anti-Racist Research Lab

    MIT GSC DEI Allyship Guide for Research Groups

    List of possible activities at NCWIT

    Already doing something not on this list? Let us know!

    As a student or postdoc

    Teach WTP

    Become a REF

    Help high school students with the Calculus project 

    Boston Partners in Education enhances the academic achievement and nurtures the personal growth of Boston’s public school students by providing them with focused, individualized, in-school volunteer support.

    Do a UROP to run App Inventor workshops

    GSC DEI Allyship Guide for Research Groups

    Become one of the peer Ears

    Help student in MITES and MOSTEC apply to college. Run mock interviews. Teach in these programs. 

    The Laureates & Leaders program is a graduate school initiative designed to encourage and support students, in particular those who are underrepresented in the sciences and engineering, in their quest to achieve a doctoral degree.

    Cascade is aimed at local Boston and Cambridge ninth and tenth-grade students.

    As a staff member

    Sign up for a session to discuss ways to build a more inclusive, respectful culture across the Institute

    Make sure events are inclusive and accessible

    Make sure events include pronouns on name tags and registrations.

    As alumni or friends of MIT

    Make donations for fellowships, trips to conferences, visiting scholar positions

    Give us feedback about your time at MIT

    Provide internships for our diverse students

    Be a mentor for UCEM, MSRP, or MITES