The 6A program has been connecting students with some of the world’s most impactful companies for over 100 years. It allows students to pursue a leading-edge industry project at a member organization, while simultaneously working towards their degree. For Industry, it helps create a pipeline of talent.

    More than 2,500 Course 6 students have gone through the program over the years, including Amar Bose (founder of Bose Corporation), Cecil Green (founder of Texas Instruments), Andrew Viterbi (founder of Qualcomm), Ray Stata (founder of Analog Devices), Thuan Pham (Uber CTO), and many others.


    Current EECS Alliance & 6A Companies

    What is the benefit of hiring a 6A student?

    The 6A program is an opportunity for employers to hire talented, highly motivated students who are passionate about their fields and eager for workplace experience. The program connects classroom learning with productive, paid work experience.

    I am interested in hiring a 6A student. How do I get started?

    Please reach out to us at so we can set up a meeting to discuss what type of candidates you are looking for, internship duration, salaries, and expectations.

    What is the selection process like?

    The 6A program matches students and companies based on research topic interests. Next, companies will select and interview students. Once the company has selected the student(s) and offer will then be extended. The student(s) will then accept or decline the offer.

    Who pays the 6A student?

    In the vast majority of cases, the company hiring the 6A student(s) is responsible for compensating the student and covering all associated costs of employment. 6A does not pay the student for work performed; however, in some cases a fellowship money may be available to help support the student.

    Do international students partcipate in 6A?

    Yes! Federal regulations permit the employment of international students on F-1 and exchange visitor student J-1 visas, with certain limits. These students may work off-campus after obtaining the proper work authorization from MIT’s International Students Office.

    Do international students require sponsorship?

    No, students obtain work authorization as Curricular Practical Training for cooperative education positions from MIT’s International Student Office (ISO) . The employer does not need to provide work authorization; students are responsible for completing the process of work authorization.

    Employers should be aware of the policies and recommended best practices of the US Department of Justice and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as they relate to pre-employment inquiries regarding citizenship and equal employment practices, including refraining from discriminating on the basis of national origin and/or immigration and citizenship status.

    What are the requirements of the company supervisor/mentor?

    Company supervisors/mentors are required to assist students in achieving your educational and work experience goals through the following:

    • Assign exciting projects and/or assignments using state-of-the-art technology.

    • Open communication with the student’s MIT Thesis Advisor (if they are doing an MEng internship)

    • Assessing and evaluating the student’s progress.

    • Meeting and communicating with the student

    Can companies keep a 6A student on after the internship term has ended? Can companies hire the 6A student after graduation?

    Students are scheduled for full-time classes during terms when they are not interning. Occasionally, employers retain a 6A student after the end of the term on a part-time basis around the student’s class schedule. International students on a work visa are not permitted to continue working part-time after the internship term.

    Once graduated, many 6A students accept full-time employment with one of their former 6A employers. One year after graduation, nearly half of all 6A students had received a full-time offer from a former 6A employer.

    I have a student who is already interning at my company. Our company has never partcipated in 6A. Can the student apply to 6A?

    Yes! We have several companies who approach us wanting to route their current MIT student intern through the 6A program. Please reach out to us at so we can set up a meeting to coordinate and discuss details.

    “The 6-A program has enabled Analog Devices to develop a unique relationship with MIT students, faculty and administrators. Our engineers have the luxury of working with students and faculty members on challenging problems critical to the company’s future. At the same time, we take an active role in training a future generation of engineers, some of whom, may end up working at Analog Devices. It is by far our most effective and rewarding recruiting effort!”

    Iliana Chen, MIT graduate B.S., M.Eng., 1997
    Analog Devices, Wilmington, MA