Faculty CS

Pulkit Agrawal

Associate Professor [AI+D and CS]

Frederic Durand

Amar Bose Professor of Computing, [AI+D and CS]

W. Eric L Grimson

Chancellor for Academic Advancement; Interim Vice President for Open Learning; Bernard M. Gordon Professor in Medical Engineering; Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, [CS and AI+D]

John Guttag

Dugald C. Jackson Professor in Electrical Engineering, [CS]

Daniel Huttenlocher

Dean, MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing; Henry Ellis Warren (1894) Professor, [CS and AI+D]

Dina Katabi

Thuan (1990) and Nicole Pham Professor, [CS and AI+D]

Wojciech Matusik

Joan and Irwin M. (1957) Jacobs Professor, [CS and AI+D]

Jonathan Ragan-Kelley

Associate Professor, [CS and AI+D]

Justin Solomon

Associate Professor of EECS, [AI+D and CS]