Faculty AI+D

Elfar Adalsteinsson

Eaton-Peabody Professor, [EE and AI+D]

Regina Barzilay

School of Engineering Distinguished Professor of AI and Health, [AI+D]

Robert Berwick

Professor of CS and Engineering and Computational Linguistics (Post-Tenure), [AI+D and CS]

Constantinos Daskalakis

Armen Avanessians (1982) Professor, [AI+D and CS]

Marzyeh Ghassemi

The Germeshausen Career Development Professor; Associate Professor, [AI+D]

David Gifford

Professor of CS and Engineering (Post-Tenure), [AI+D and CS]

Polina Golland

Sunlin (1966) and Priscilla Chou Professor, [AI+D]

Thomas Heldt

Associate Professor of EECS and in IMES, [EE and AI+D]

Tommi Jaakkola

Thomas M. Siebel Distinguished Professor, [AI+D]

Dina Katabi

Thuan (1990) and Nicole Pham Professor, [CS and AI+D]

Manolis Kellis

Professor of CS, [AI+D and CS]

Nidhi Seethapathi

Frederick A. (1971) and Carole J. Middleton Career Development Professor of Neuroscience; Assistant Professor / Shared Appointment in BCS, [AI+D]

David Sontag

Professor in EECS and in IMES, [AI+D]

Collin Stultz

Nina T. and Robert H. Rubin Professor in Medical Engineering and Science; Co-Director, Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology (HST); Associate Director, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES), [AI+D and EE]

Peter Szolovits

Professor of Computer Science and Engineering; [AI+D and CS]

Bruce Tidor

Professor of EECS; Professor of Biological Engineering, Dual Appointment [AI+D]

Caroline Uhler

Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi Professor of Engineering; Professor of EECS and in IDSS, [AI+D]