Matthew Yeung

2023 marked the 19th year for the student-led Microsystems Annual Research Conference. Pictured is the 2023 graduate student committee with faculty leads. Front row, left to right: co-chairs Maitreyi Ashok and Jennifer Wang, Duhan Zhang, Matthew Yeung, and Aya Amer. Back row, left to right: MIT.nano Director Vladimir Bulović, Mansi Joisher, Beth Whittier, Will Banner, Adina Bechhofer, Kaidong Peng, MTL Director Tomás Palacios, and Jaidi Zhu. Not pictured: Patricia Jastrzebska-Perfect, Milica Notaros, Narumi Wong, and Abigail Zhien Wang.

Student-led conference charts the future of micro- and nanoscale research, reinforces scientific community

February 28, 2023

19th Microsystems Annual Research Conference reveals the next era of microsystems technologies, along with skiing and a dance party.