Student Spotlight: Maggie Slowikowski

This interview is part of a series of short interviews from the Department of EECS, called Student Spotlights. Each Spotlight features a student answering their choice of questions about themselves and life at MIT. Today’s interviewee, Maggie Slowikowski, is a sophomore majoring in 6-9: Computation and Cognition. An undergraduate researcher in the Bioelectronics Research Group led by Prof. Polina Anikeeva, Slowikowski took time out of her schedule to answer a few questions about her experience at MIT.
What’s your favorite room within MIT, and what’s special about it to you? Relatedly, where’s your favorite place to study?
My favorite room within MIT would have to be the reading terrace in Building 46! It’s quiet and calming with ample space, many large leafy plants, and a nice view of Stata. The reading terrace is a great place to study with friends, or relax after a stressful day!
My favorite place to study at MIT is the third floor of Building 12. There is plenty of space to study including a large table and spacious couch. My favorite part of studying in Building 12 are the televisions mounted on the walls displaying future seminars and current research being done at MIT. You can learn so much about what work is being done on campus simply by hanging out at MIT.nano!
Tell me about one interest or hobby you’ve discovered since you came to MIT. (It doesn’t have to be academic!)
One hobby I have developed over my time at MIT is embroidery. I love learning new patterns and stitches. I’m currently working on embroidering my own, unique MIT tote bag!
What’s your favorite food found on, or near, campus?
My favorite food found near campus is the Chang Foods food truck on main street. I recommend their ginger scallion chicken and braised pork!
Tell me about one teacher from your past—here at MIT, at your high school, or even earlier, who had an influence on the person you’ve become.
I do not think I would be who I am today without the influence of my 8th grade science teacher, Mr. Adams. He was the first person to introduce me to topics like chemistry and physics, sparking my interest in science and encouraging me to consider a career in STEM.
What are you looking forward to about life after graduation? What do you think you’ll miss about MIT?
I still have a few years before I graduate, however, I am excited to see what adventures I embark on after MIT, whether that be pursuing graduate school or landing a job in the biotechnology industry! I think what I’ll miss the most about MIT are the people I have met here–friends, mentors, acquaintances, and everyone in between! The people at MIT are some of the most supportive and kindest I have ever met, always willing to both challenge you and help you when the need arises.
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