Faculty CS

Mohammad Alizadeh

Associate Professor, [CS and AI+D]; Industry Officer; Director, 6-A MEng Thesis Program

Saman Amarasinghe

Professor of EECS, [CS]

Hari Balakrishnan

Fujitsu Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, [CS and AI+D]

Michael Carbin

Associate Professor, [CS and AI+D]

Adam Chlipala

Arthur J. Conner (1888) Professor, [CS]

Henry Corrigan-Gibbs

Douglas Ross (1954) Career Development Professor of Software Technology; Assistant Professor, [CS]

Srini Devadas

Edwin Sibley Webster Professor, [CS]

Shafrira Goldwasser

RSA Professor (Post-Tenure), [CS]

M. Frans Kaashoek

Charles A. Piper (1935) Professor, [CS]

Yael Kalai

Ellen Swallow Richards (1873) Professor; Professor of EECS, [CS]

Silvio Micali

Ford Foundation Professor of Engineering (Post-Tenure), [CS]

Srini Raghuraman

Lecturer, [CS]

Ronald Rivest

Institute Professor (Post-Tenure); Professor Post-Tenure of Computer Science and Engineering, [CS]

Vinod Vaikuntanathan

Ford Foundation Professor of Engineering, [CS and AI+D]

Mengjia Yan

Associate Professor, [CS]

Nickolai Zeldovich

Joan and Irwin M. (1957) Jacobs Professor, [CS]