Assistant Professor Sara Beery is using automation to improve monitoring of migrating salmon in the Pacific Northwest.

MIT CSAIL researchers used AI-generated images to train a robot dog in parkour, without real-world data. Their LucidSim system demonstrates generative AI’s potential for creating robotics training data.

Researchers propose a simple fix to an existing technique that could help artists, designers, and engineers create better 3D models.

New dataset of “illusory” faces reveals differences between human and algorithmic face detection, links to animal face recognition, and a formula predicting where people most often perceive faces.

A new algorithm solves complicated partial differential equations by breaking them down into simpler problems, potentially guiding computer graphics and geometry processing.

The department is pleased to announce the four inaugural recipients of the Transformative Research Fund, an exciting new funding opportunity designed to facilitate bold and pivotal research, especially that which applies recent breakthrough technologies (such as generative AI) to important problems with broad societal impact.

The three EECS professors have authored a comprehensive and holistic introduction to the complex topic.

Kaiming He
Douglas Ross (1954) Career Development Professor of Software Technology; Associate Professor, [AI+D]
Office: 45-701H

MIT Sea Grant students apply machine learning to support local aquaculture hatcheries.

Ranking at the top for the 13th year in a row, the Institute also places first in 11 subject areas.