3Qs: Jelena Notaros on the new Silicon Photonics class within 6-5, Electrical Engineering With Computing
One of the signal changes of 6.5, Electrical Engineering With Computing, is the organization of upper-level classes into tracks, including an undergraduate engineering sequence in Electromagnetics and Photonics. Jelena Notaros, Assistant Professor in EECS, developed a new class included in that track, “Silicon Photonics”.
Celebrating five years of MIT.nano
The Nano Summit highlights nanoscale research across multiple disciplines at MIT.
A system for monitoring motion and muscle engagement could aid the elderly and athletes during unsupervised physical rehabilitation for injuries or impaired mobility.
The Thriving Stars of AI
Four early-career researchers shared their work on improving the social outcomes of artificial intelligence and machine learning at a research summit hosted by EECS Thriving Stars.