Stanford University


Department of EECS names new chair recipients

July 25, 2024

The new chairs became effective July 1.

Department of EECS Announces 2024 Promotions

May 17, 2024

Adam Belay, Manya Ghobadi, Stefanie Mueller, and Julian Shun are all being promoted to associate professor with tenure.

A computer scientist pushes the boundaries of geometry

December 13, 2023

Justin Solomon applies modern geometric techniques to solve problems in computer vision, machine learning, statistics, and beyond.

Judy Hoyt, seen here in her office in front of a photo of Stanford's campus, wears a red turtleneck and black blazer.

Judy Hoyt, a pioneer in semiconductor research, is remembered.

November 27, 2023

Professor Judy Hoyt, a pioneer in semiconductor research, passed away on August 6, 2023.

Headshot of Tomás Palacios.

Palacios named Associate Director of new semiconductor research center; Jing Kong, Farnaz Niroui, Luqiao Liu, and Bilge Yildiz to act as PI’s.

February 28, 2023

The new research center will bring together researchers from nine different higher education institutions, with a focus on developing energy-efficient semiconductor materials and technologies.

Mohammad Alizadeh named new Industry Officer for EECS

January 25, 2023

Mohammad Alizadeh has been named the Industry Officer for MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. In this role, Alizadeh will oversee the EECS Alliance, the department’s industry

Top row, left to right: Alfred Spector, Jeannette Wing Bottom row, left to right: Chris Wiggins, Peter Norvig

Big Data, Bigger Ideas: the four coauthors of “Data Science In Context” share their perspectives on a growing field.

December 13, 2022

As the pioneers of a developing field, data scientists often have to deal with a frustratingly slippery question: what is data science, precisely, and what is it good

Robots play with play dough

June 28, 2022

A new system lets robots manipulate soft, deformable material into various shapes from visual inputs, which could one day enable better home assistants.

Three from MIT awarded 2022 Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

April 19, 2022

Fellowship funds graduate studies for outstanding immigrants and children of immigrants.