quantum computing


Department of EECS names new chair recipients

July 25, 2024

The new chairs became effective July 1.

At the MIT Quantum Hackathon, a community tackles quantum computing challenges

February 28, 2024

Each year, a community of quhackers (quantum hackers) gathers at iQuHACK to work on quantum computing projects using real quantum computers and simulators.

Scientists boost quantum signals while reducing noise

February 16, 2023

“Squeezing” noise over a broad frequency bandwidth in a quantum system could lead to faster and more accurate quantum measurements.

MIT iQuHACK 2022: Bringing together the next generation of quantum coders

March 16, 2022

The annual MIT quantum computing hackathon gives people of all experience levels the opportunity to code on real quantum computers

Gene Dresselhaus, influential research scientist in solid-state physics, dies at 91

November 9, 2021

Over 50 years at MIT, Dresselhaus made lasting contributions to materials science within the research group of longtime collaborator and wife, Mildred Dresselhaus.