EECS Special Seminar: Geoff Ramseyer: Scaling the Unscalable: Solving Worst-Case Contention with Better Economic Mechanisms
Tuesday, April 9
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Grier Room A
- Date: Tuesday, April 9
- Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Location: Grier Room A
Additional Location Details:
Abstract: Brute-force engineering can squeeze only so much throughput from applications with limited parallelism. Instead, at some point, we need to attack scalability from the other side: squeezing functionality from scalable systems, even though this requires applying domain expertise at much lower levels of software design. In this talk, I show how better economic mechanisms can achieve near-linear scalability on two problems that previously flummoxed the fintech industry: decentralized asset exchanges and general smart contracts. In both cases, trading a small amount of latency and semantics can improve performance by orders of magnitude over state-of-the-art systems. Perhaps more surprisingly, the new semantics offer additional security and economic benefits--including increased liquidity, more efficient auditing, and the ability to avoid at least one class of smart-contract vulnerability. Ultimately, the key to scalability lies in studying software architecture in tandem with the way a system fits into the outside world. Doing so opens exciting new parallel systems architectures and challenges while simultaneously raising intriguing theoretical and economic questions. Bio: Geoff Ramseyer is a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University. His research interests span building scalable, high-performance systems and analyzing the economic tradeoffs implicit in computer system architectures. He received his PhD from Stanford in 2023 and his BS in 2017 from the University of Chicago.
- Frans Kaashoek