Doctoral Thesis: Controlling Image Synthesis with Emergent and Designed Priors
Lucy Chai
Image synthesis has developed at an unprecedented pace over the past few years, giving us new abilities to create synthetic yet photorealistic content. Typically, unconditional synthesis takes in a sequence of random numbers as input and produces a randomly generated image that mimics real-world content, with little to no way of controlling the result. My work explores two avenues of obtaining controllable content from image generative models using emergent and designed priors. Emergent priors leverage the capabilities of a pre-trained generator to infer how the world operates, simply by training on large quantities of data. On the other hand, designed priors use built-in constraints to enforce desired properties about the world. Using emergent priors, we can control content by discovering factors of variation and compositional properties in the latent space of synthesis models. We further add coordinate information and camera inputs as designed controls to generate continuous-resolution and 3D-consistent imagery.
- Date: Thursday, June 15
- Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
- Category: Thesis Defense
- Location: 32-G449
Additional Location Details:
Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Phillip Isola