Images that transform through heat
The Thermochromorph printmaking technique developed by CSAIL researchers allows images to transition into each other through changes in temperature.

Ranking at the top for the 13th year in a row, the Institute also places first in 11 subject areas.

Department of EECS Announces 2024 Promotions
Adam Belay, Manya Ghobadi, Stefanie Mueller, and Julian Shun are all being promoted to associate professor with tenure.

The Institute also ranks second in five subject areas.

Department of EECS Announces 2024 Promotions
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) is proud to announce multiple promotions.

The advanced fabrication tools will enable the next generation of microelectronics and microsystems while bridging the gap from the lab to commercialization.

EECS Alliance Roundup: 2023
Founded in 2019, The EECS Alliance program connects industry leading companies with EECS students for internships, post graduate employment, networking, and collaborations. In 2023, it has grown to include over 30 organizations that have either joined the Alliance or participate in its flagship program, 6A.

2023-24 EECS Faculty Award Roundup
This ongoing listing of awards and recognitions won by our faculty is added to all year, beginning in September.

Palacios named Associate Director of new semiconductor research center; Jing Kong, Farnaz Niroui, Luqiao Liu, and Bilge Yildiz to act as PI’s.
The new research center will bring together researchers from nine different higher education institutions, with a focus on developing energy-efficient semiconductor materials and technologies.

Tomás Palacios named new Director of the Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL)
The Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL) will now be helmed by a new director.