A fast and flexible approach to help doctors annotate medical scans
“ScribblePrompt” is an interactive AI framework that can efficiently highlight anatomical structures across different medical scans, assisting medical workers to delineate regions of interest and abnormalities.
Student Spotlight: Krithik Ramesh
Today’s Student Spotlight focuses on Krithik Ramesh, a member of the class of 2025 majoring in 6-4, Artificial Intelligence and Decision-Making.
3Qs: Dirk Englund on the quantum computing track within 6-5, “Electrical Engineering With Computing”.
In the new undergraduate engineering sequence in quantum engineering, students learn the foundations of the quantum computing “stack” before creating their own quantum engineered systems in the lab.
Dirk Englund, Associate Professor in EECS, has been part of a team of instructors developing the quantum course sequence.
3Qs: Jelena Notaros on the new Silicon Photonics class within 6-5, Electrical Engineering With Computing
One of the signal changes of 6.5, Electrical Engineering With Computing, is the organization of upper-level classes into tracks, including an undergraduate engineering sequence in Electromagnetics and Photonics. Jelena Notaros, Assistant Professor in EECS, developed a new class included in that track, “Silicon Photonics”.
Toward a code-breaking quantum computer
Building on a landmark algorithm, researchers propose a way to make a smaller and more noise-tolerant quantum factoring circuit for cryptography.
A framework for solving parabolic partial differential equations
A new algorithm solves complicated partial differential equations by breaking them down into simpler problems, potentially guiding computer graphics and geometry processing.
3 Questions: How to prove humanity online
AI agents could soon become indistinguishable from humans online. Could “personhood credentials” protect people against digital imposters?
Four Recipients Announced for new Transformative Research Funds
The department is pleased to announce the four inaugural recipients of the Transformative Research Fund, an exciting new funding opportunity designed to facilitate bold and pivotal research, especially that which applies recent breakthrough technologies (such as generative AI) to important problems with broad societal impact.
Duane Boning named vice provost for international activities
With extensive international outreach experience as a faculty member and program leader, Boning brings a spirit of curiosity and collaboration to his new role.
Student Spotlight: Ryn Moore ’24
Ryn Moore graduated this spring, majoring in 6-1 Electrical Science and Engineering and minoring in Biomedical Engineering. Despite a challenging courseload, Ryn took full advantage of MIT’s extensive range of quirky activities and clubs–including one where participants literally get to play with fire.